I start todays post with lots on my mind as I am sure many Americans feel. I have a heavy heart as I think about all that has changed since this day 13 years ago. I remember where I was in life at that moment. I sure did not know the impact that this one day would have on my life. Who would have thought I would marry into the Marine Corps. I was never one to be overly patriotic or push my beliefs on anyone, or show my political side. Over those 13 years I first hand have witness death, sadness, loneliness and heartache....all because of this one event. I pray every night for this world we live in to be a safe place for my family. I see many people choosing not to take their kids to school today, I took my daughter to school, she was sporting her American Flag bracelet, I explained to her the significance of today. I told her about her daddy and what he does to help keep us safe and keep events like that from ever happening again. I believe that I can not shield her from the unexpected, I can not keep her in bubble, we don't know what is to come, that is why we have FAITH! I have faith in knowing that whatever comes of today I treated it as a normal day, not scared of what is to come. With that being said may we never forget 9/11
Todays Juice Tales! lol Today we slept in a little 0600 ! YAY I still managed to everything but my Yoga, so that will happen later in the day :)
Todays had no title that I can find, so I decided on making my own! don't laugh
Carrot Bliss! (2 servings)
6 Carrots
2 Apples
1 sweet potato
I must admit I call this bliss simply because it actually tasted VERY good!!! It was sweet enough that I didn't feel deprived! I also was was so excited about it I forgot to snap a picture, until it was almost gone ! So here it is :)
I thought I would all share a recipe I made last night for dinner :)
Spinach Meatballs! ( advocare approved too)
Here is my take on it I used deer meat! Yes...so lean and awesome!
and in the words of the Lego Movie " EVERYTHING IS AWESOME"
Have yourself and AWESOME DAY